Alissa Neal

Visual Art – Austin

In a society obsessed with labels I have found it quite difficult to determine what it is I should be calling myself. Am I a designer that went to art school or an artist that went to design school? The line between the two has become increasingly blurred and challenging for me to navigate. Choosing the life of the designer would mean, if fortunate, a steady paycheck, a team of other creatives to work side-by-side with, and who knows maybe one day a corner office. Following a set of guidelines and rules, I could produce the solutions to the problems presented. On the other hand, the life of an artist could allow me to create my own rules, untroubled by guidelines, commercialization, and boardroom conference calls. Trade in the corner office for a studio flat and the steady paycheck for ten-cent Ramen noodles. So why can’t I have my corner office on the 32nd floor that overlooks some park in some city? My feet propped up on my obscenely expensive desk. All the while, making worthy, innovative, and completely unique work with other people that compliment my abilities. I believe I can combine these two passions into one career. I think the two can actually feed off each other and this artist / designer concoction would make me “like crows, rats, and dogs – able to eat anything, adapt anywhere, and take advantage of new situations.”