Anthony Mongelluzzo

Visual Art – Pittsburgh

I aquired a connection to art at a young age that goes back as far as I can remember. For the most part, I had a happy childhood growing up in the suburbs outside of Pittsburgh. As a child, I was deeply imaginative and full of energy. It seemed like something was always making the gears turn in my mind at such a fast rate, that the one thing which calmed me down was when I would sit at a kitchen table or wherever, and draw. This was something that I understood from a young age and carried with me throughout my whole life. While I was in school, I struggled badly with certain subject matters simply because they were not able to hold my attention; but to make the time go by quicker, I would almost always be doodling in notebooks and scratch pieces of paper (and sometimes on the wooden desk where I sat) because it is what I loved to do, and it was extremely fun; it was actually what I looked forward to the most when I attended class, even though I knew the consequences would cost me for doing so; yet, it is what I desired the most because it was so liberating for me to let loose the fury of the mind as it guided the hand gripping a tool that allowed for the ability to create. I always want that freedom to be with me wherever I go in life.