Accessories – Austin

Alien babe from Planet Venus landed on Earth in '81, currently in love with life and always ready for some Holy Spirit. Most of my time is devoted to animals, both at work at the aquarium, and at home with my (fur) baby and zoology books. When I'm around other animals I can be myself and be zen. As an artist I've dabbled all over the place, finding creative outlets in songwriting, poetry, radio, photography, diaries, fashion, singing, collage, and collecting dolls. I'm an old friend of both Darkness and Light, Elvira Madigan holding the balance on the tightrope. I used to live by The North Pole, but three years ago I moved closer to the Sun, and now my creative flow is stronger than ever. I try to avoid things that make me unhappy such as stress, competition, and pressure, and I'm terrible at promoting my art. I simply create because God made me this way, and because it's fun! At this moment in time, my artistic vent is jewelry making. I hope you enjoy Bex Beauty Mark. accessories, I feel blessed to be a part of this spectacular showcase <333