Bekah Bubbles

Visual Art – San Diego

Born and raised in Orlando, Fl, Bekah moved to San Diego in hopes of making a name for herself as an artist and all around interesting person. Now, spending most of her time with burners and circus folk, inspiration has not been hard to come by. She spends her days playing muse to herself. Whether it be painting, spinning and playing, hanging out with fellow \'tinker-ers\'(as she lovingly calls them) and nomming on their brains, or simply enjoying the artistic quality of life that SD has to offer. She also has a deep appreciation for the work that goes into creating beautiful art and enjoys learning about the way another artists mind works. Bekah is particularly inspired by the balance between the adorable and dark. Painting things that make you feel silly and strange all at the same time. Using bright, bold UV reactive, abstract concepts and fine line detail work with inks and blending the two together to create one of a kind unique pieces of canvas art.