Deborah C Block

Fashion – Minneapolis

My name is Deborah Camille Block and I am an eco-consince fashion designer. I love to create clothing of all kinds, but my favorite is formal wear. Any garment or accessory made for a fashion show or to sell is made from second hand materials or certified organic if bought new. I pride myself on putting as little impact on the earth as possible by using what others consider waste and not creating more waste in the process. Understanding the impact of waste in our world, especially in the fashion industry, I strive to uphold my values through how I shop to how I make clothes. Not only do I make things out of what others consider waste, I have good design aspect and quality of construction so that the things I make are beautiful and wearable. I also work with clients one on one to create one of a kind pieces of their request. I enjoy the unique challenges that are presented to me (ie. using a vintage wedding gown to create a christening gown).