Elle Irvine

Photography – Brisbane

I come from an incredibly creative family, and am lucky to have discovered my passion in life quite early. Ever since I owned my first digital camera, I have loved photography, and the feeling of connection it gives me to the world. I have been fortunate to pursue my dreams at QCA, Griffith University by studying and graduating from a Bachelor of Photography, majoring in Photojournalism. I am now halfway through my honours degree and working on a subject I am deeply passionate about- Eating Disorders. Photography allows me to use my skills to give a voice to those rarely heard, to visually explore complex phenomena and represent it as honestly as I can. My current work has been created with aims towards public awareness and personal growth and development for myself and my subjects. I believe that photography can allow us to get perspective on issues we struggle to comprehend, it is such a powerful medium and an incredible tool for change.