jasmine johnson

Visual Art – Austin

The art I create is an evolution of my understanding of the energy we all hold in ourselves and hence the whole universe. As a young adult I always looked to Dali and Escher for inspiration, loving the seamless transitions of unexpected matter flowing together. In studying their work I gained the understanding that we all create our own perspective of the world and everything changes form eventually. This really gained traction this past year as I studied yoga in depth, bringing a deepened awareness of non-attachment into my life. In letting go of ideas of art I have been able to grow as an artist. The tipping point came when I let go of the idea that all space needed to be filled. Using space as the focal point was when my art came into its own. When I sit down to create something I approach it with an empty mind. I don’t hold any expectations of what may come. This has really opened my work up the past couple of years, allowing it to develop organically with mistakes and beauty. The themes that have shown up in my latest work are hands and hearts, growing and dying flora and space. They intertwine to show this ungrounded nature and how I have come to understand the strength involved in letting go. Love and sadness, growing and dying are only passing moments of energy. Nothing to hold on to.