Jack Pollack

Photography – New Orleans

As a traveling furniture representative, I have been developing and using my sense of photographic composition practically to capture ideal room settings that sell the furniture. My photography has been successfully used by various manufacturers. About five years ago, I showed some \"non-commercial\" shots to a gallery-owner friend. She immediately wanted them showing at her gallery! Since then, I have had a gratifying run, evolving an interest in the use of light and reflections, using a camera as a pallete and brush to blur the lines between photography and impressionistic or surrealistic art. When I shoot a reflection in a window, I look to capture something from within and something from without as a harmonious blend. The results have been joyous! I have also been working to capture the spirit of the new Renaissance taking place in my beloved New Orleans, a place of inspiration historically and currently for artists, musicians, film-makers and lovers of life itself!