Photography – Phoenix

I think of myself as a magician with my light wand every time I light paint. While everyone is asleep, I walk to the darkest and sometimes spooky area of Arizona and pick up my light wand to create magic at night. My light paintings open doors to a new creative way of photography. The dream-like beauty of each artwork will blow you away. The best part is all images are real and unedited. Light Painting is a form of visual art where the main media of expression is light. The lights are being captured during a long exposure photography shot. It merges traditional painting and photography where light is my “brush.” Each piece of artwork serves as a self portrait of me since I am in each one of the paintings. Though you may not physically see me in some of the images, I am there, dancing and twirling with the lights each time while experiencing the beauty of freezing movements in time. The artworks are created with unpredictability and a lot of imagination. Since my canvas is the open air, I do not know how the images will turn out until the shutter closes. Sometimes the image turns out completely different from what I expected, but that’s the beauty of it, light painting is full of surprises. Imagination and creativity is needed and requires thinking outside of the box to capture the beauty of each light. My unique manipulation of light in different environments will reveal light paintings taken to the next level. The paintings are characterized by being imaginative, amusing, and unique. Each movement shown on the subject is magic. I enjoyed creating my art pieces and I invite you to engage in the excitement of each piece of artwork as much as I experienced it. -MBSILAO