Mike Ramsey

Visual Art – Pittsburgh

I am a cartoonist, illustrator, and designer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My work focuses primarily on political themes -- a result of the years I spent drawing newspaper editorial cartoons -- stoking controversy, sparking conversation, and slaughtering sacred cows. I was born during the twilight of the Reagan Era in Detroit, Michigan. I learned to grip a pen soon after and have been doodling ever since. When I was suspended from middle school for drawing unflattering (and unlabeled) caricatures of my teachers, I knew I was on the right track. This was confirmed years later when my cartoons inspired the Young Republicans to picket the offices of my college newspaper. I am left-handed. I brew beer in my pantry. I can grow a beard in two weeks. I have forty different kinds of pens in my studio but I almost always use a Sharpie. It is my fondest hope to offend you, at least in some small way.