Visual Art – Riverside

My name is Rochelle Rissland and I am a graduate of Soka University of America. During my senior year, while composing my senior thesis, I learned about the concept of \"flow.\" Flow, made famous by Mihaly Csiksenthmihalyi, at least in the world of Psychology, is a state of consciousness in which one is concentrating so much so that one is absolutely absorbed in an activity. Flow is what make optimal experience of concentration and deep enjoyment. After learning about flow, I began to explore activities in which I, personally, am in completely in flow. There are many activities I like to do, like hiking and reading, but they are also things that I can stop in the middle of and walk away from or can multi-task during the activity. They don\'t completely consume the entirety of my focus. This is where art comes in. The only time I am in flow complete flow is when I am creating art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, and photography, all both completely consume me and leave me extremely satisfied. Although daily life can pull me away from my flow, from time to time, I know, I have faith, that art will always fulfill me.