Visual Art – Phoenix

My.Art is the way I live and channel my experience of Life. I Live Geometry as the Seed of all Life. I Live it as a conscious expression and experience of Life itself and therefore it is my main mean of expression. My curiosity about Life has always been my biggest trouble… I wanted to know and understand the Whys of things and thought that psychology and later neuroscience would help me answer my questions. But they didn’t. Life did. At least enough for my thirst to be lived with. Observation and Feelings did the trick. Instead of judging the weirdness of our Lives I started looking for patterns. And I did the same with all of Nature and, of course, with myself. Slowly the patterns of Life and its weirdness became clearer. That is when I started dreaming about Geometry. To be precise about Sacred Geometry. The Seed of all Life, from the cosmos to the Atom to the most profound place of our Soul. I started seeing the imbedded geometrical patterns in everything that exists and felt drawn to draw what I felt and saw. The first attempts were horrible! I had found out the Precision of Life! I had found out that to merge with the Seed of all that is I first had to merge with my Self. Drawing Sacred Geometry without balance is like trying to walk on a cord completely drunk. It simply cannot happen. So I had to work on my Balance first… and then the Art came!