Live DjE ( Dont just Exist)

Visual Art – Portland

MY PORTFOLIO ----> My Ode ode/?d/Noun 1. A lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter Through the pen and can flows my true heart. Ive finally found my passion in documenting (photography) and writting (painting) in a respectful manner that most people in this beautiful city of ours I feel can truley appreciate and therfore only begin to understand. Born and raised in Portland I\'ve grown up sourounded in street art and finally decided a year or two ago that I would indefinatley make my life based around self expression and the beauty of arts, and what a perfect place to do it; my home town Portland, Oregon. The majority of my down time is spent walking old tracks, treking through the forest searching for long forgoten buildings ( forgoten by most) and just about anywhere else I get wind of a good spot that I have yet to see. A few years back I made the journey to a local underground spot on the outskirts of tigard only to find that the walls were no longer coverd in beautiful vibrant colors and instead glowed a solid white, only reminants of what use to be there could be seen through the bland white paint quickly slopped over the artwork in hopes of discouraging other writers. Thats where it all began. I couldnt believe that this artwork was never seen, never felt, never appreciated except for by the people who originally went out and not only spent there own money as well as risked a felony and or misdemeanor ( In oregon ) to put up artwork that was never going to be publicly seen. I can legitamnetly say Ive only had my heart broken once and that was the very momment it happend. After that experience I was determined in dedicating my life to documenting and searching for the best local underground spots as well as keep this very much so suppresed art culture alive. Graffiti ( the suppresed voice of the streets ) will always inspire me, move me, and make me want to share my understanding and vast appreciation for this artform with others and feel i am well on my way to doing that. Not only is it my passion it is my love, and one day I will eventually share this with the world. My dreams for an art gallery in Portland allowing others to paint legally and to learn this beautiful artform is far out of reach at the momment, but at only twenty one years of living conciouslly I know my true calling and will stop at nothing to make my dreams come true. And that is beauty to me. -Travis Suda