The Commons

Music – Portland

One day a squirrel was playing his songs with a black bear. The bear was well known at playing the guitar and the squirrel could sing like Jesus. They had a lot of songs written but no band to rockith. Soon they were standing in the middle of the woods confused on what to do about a drummer, when all of a sudden a wolf walked by. They did not fear the wolf because he was a well-known drummer and they knew they were in need of his talents. They rocked in the black bears cave but were missing the much need help from a bass playing grizzly bear, so they searched for his companionship. When they found the righteous grizzly the band soon became the best band ever. They rocked the black bears cave for a few months but something was amiss. The animals grew sad because they felt they need the sound of the Gods to be in the band. Only one instrument could produce such a blissful sound, the synthesizer. The squirrel’s girlfriend, a cheerful bird, was the only person worthy enough to play the god-like keys so she was added. Now the local forest animals play cheap shows in the seedy underbelly of Portland Oregon for free drinks and tasty nuts.