Mike Carrion

Visual Art – San Francisco

At the age of 6, I already knew I'd be an artist. I started drawing and observing lines and forms, color, life and birth, death and decay. For many, objects that are wasting away like decomposing wood, a rusting padlock, or a crumbling fence - are things to be discarded or forgotten. However, for me, they are the structure and the foundation on where I base my art. At times, it is the battered, the beat-up, and the broken down that add texture and color to the strokes on the canvas. In 1989, I started as an in-betweener for an animation studio, and after three years, I moved to broadcast as motion graphic designer. I moved to San Francisco in 2010 and continued to work as a freelance motion graphic designer for a broadcast company, while still engaging in my passion for art.