Kenneth Watson

Film – Portland

I picked up the camera and ran with it. It had been a secret passion of mine for years but I never gave it a chance. That is until now. I began with simple documentary style works. I have a strong sense of social work and I strive to use my craft to bring important knowledge or opinions to screens in front of people all over. In addition I also have artistic creative endeavors that touch into the worlds of fashion, music videos, commercials and specialty promotional work. My very first camera was an iPhone. It was the cheapest easiest thing I could find to produce good quality video. Occasionally I found myself taking really neat pictures even though I had no real drive for photography. It made sense, however, that when I upgraded to a real camera it was one that took not only video but high quality images as well. That landed me with a Canon DSLR. Shortly after I began shooting my first few film shorts the beauty of fashion photography leapt out at. As a result I now explore and strive for portrait, fashion, artistic and avant garde projects. Originally born the east coast of the United States I happily call Portland Oregon my home and seek to work up and down the west coast for the next year as I prepare to take my arts and adventures to bigger horizons. Ahead of me is a road as exciting as it is long and that\'s perfect.