Visual Art – Washington, D.C.

As a little kid growing up in the DC/MD area, I had been drawing from a young age, it started out with drawing cartoon characters and turn into make t-shirts of my friends in middle. As a child I never thought anything could come of it. As I got older I became more about making money and less about what truly made me happy, and put art on the back burner. As I moved through the workforce and several tattoos later, I realized i needed an outlet and the my inner artist returned. I started drawing out my tattoos and several friends, and later advanced to painting. I really got into tattoo art but knew I wanted more. After having several odd jobs I knew I had to make my talents work for me. I began to take different art classes and have been in several art shows through out the area, including my own, unknown but understood the art show. All I am trying to do is get a little better each day.