A\'S de la Perfection

Fashion – Montréal

Montrealer on the go, old Parisian but Senegalese by birth and citizen of the world in the soul, I stand at the crossroads of finances and management. I am a consultant for african companies with a growing passion for fashion, design and photography; this is translate into the creation of «A\'S de la Perfection», with my young brother, Stefdekardà L\'As. He is an infografist who lives in Dakar. This young man is passionate about art, street art, music, tattoos and design. He specializes in fashion and beauty photography, and is the Artistic Director of Xipil Xole Studio. Although he never worked in the fashion industry, he always liked fashion and design and this passion led to the creation of A\'S de la Perfection. We are both Africa Correspondents for a French / American magazine. I also like Art, in all its states; leading me to launch Teen\'Art Magazine. In parallel, I work in diverse bodies as volunteer, I offer my language skills to diverse populations and I am very interested in international solidarity.