Colors of Sound

Visual Art – Charlotte

Niko R. Goldstein is one of those young people who reaching out to people these days in a very special way. He was born the 22nd day of June in 1994. Nicholas who speaks English, Spanish and Hebrew, and is now Minoring in Japanese. Niko started to discover his artistic essence when he was only 4 years old; when one day his mother congratulated his art teacher for the excellent art class, to which the teacher replied that it was not the “class” she had to congratulate, but the talent he had within him. From then on, Niko has not stopped. At the early age of 10, his biweekly comic strips entitled “Mitad de Ocho” started to be published by a local newspaper “Mi Gente” from Charlotte, NC. In these fascinating caricatures we can see how his imagination led him to create four extraordinary characters name Ty, Danny, Kyla, and Tiny,that are the joy of many young kids. In spite that he went as a student to drawing classes in order to strengthen his art techniques, he always ended up as the teacher’s assistant. Practice and persistence, is what made him start his own art studio when he was 15 years old, there is when he discovered his vocational career as a visual art teacher. At the same time, he studied at “North West School of the Arts”, place in which he excelled in several occasions. One of his many wonderful designs was chosen for the elaboration of the Police Departments Mural in the city of Charlotte and not long after, his design was also chosen for the mural of his school, “North West School of the Arts”, which came true with the help of his classmates. Thanks to the written press, radio and television, his art and all his unforgettable experiences and memories have been captured by a series of invitations to interviews and journalist reports throughout his life. Niko, winner of innumerable contests, always active participating in every gallery, festival and event, never left his kids and teenager students behind, to whom by the hand, he made them part of his journey and immersed them in this fascinating world of art. In 2013, Niko had the opportunity to illustrate his first bilingual children’s book, entitled “All I do is Win”, in which not only the content attracted the client, but also all the combination of striking colors and characters who he once visualized in his mind, to then capture it in paper to share it with all of us. While he continues to draw and paint in oil, acrylic, and pencil, different caricatures, faces, surrealisms and more; Niko was studying Hebrew and cultures in Israel in the Kibutuzz Ulpan “Mishmar Ha’ Emeq”. Now, he is living in Charlotte North Carolina, has an Associates in arts and currently majoring Religious studies and minoring in Japanese. Young people like Niko, always has a black dwarf star which follows them. His simplicity, his smile, humility and a lifelong hard work had made Niko to shine and share his art with us as a window to a whole new world, where life is a comic :) . Change the world how you want it. Biografia: Niko, es el tipo de joven que está llegando a estos tiempos de una manera especial. Nació en Israel el día 22 de Junio de 1994. Nicholas quien habla Inglés, Español y Hebreo, empezó a descubrir su esencia artística a los 4 años de edad cuando su madre felicitó a la maestra por la excelente clase de pintura, a lo que la maestra respondió que no era la “clase”, sino el talento que el llevaba dentro de sí. Desde entonces, Niko, no ha parado. Cuando tan solo él tenía 10 años, se empezaron a publicar sus caricaturas tituladas, “Mitad de Ocho”, en el periódico local “Mi Gente” de la ciudad de Charlotte NC. En estas fascinantes caricaturas, su imaginación lo llevó a crear cuatro extraordinarios personajes que son la alegría de muchos chicos. A pesar que asistía a clases de dibujo para reforzar sus técnicas artísticas, siempre terminaba de asistente del maestro. La práctica y la constancia hicieron que a los 15 años de edad, Niko abriera su propio Estudio de arte, y ahí es cuando descubrió su carrera vocacional como maestro de las artes visuales. A la misma vez estudiaba en la escuela “North West School of the Arts” lugar donde se destacó en varias ocasiones. Uno de sus tantos magníficos diseños fue elegido para la elaboración del mural del Departamento de la Policía de Charlotte y poco tiempo después su diseño también fue elegido para el mural de la escuela “North West School of The Arts”, el cual se convirtió en una realidad con la ayuda de sus compañeros del colegio. realizo un mural en Israel, otros en Charlotte y el Cuzco. Gracias a la prensa escrita, la radio y la televisión; su arte e inolvidables experiencias, han sido plasmadas en una serie de invitaciones a entrevistas y reportajes a lo largo de su vida. Niko, ganador de innumerables concursos, siempre activo participando en un sin número de galerías, festivales y eventos jamás se olvidaba de sus pequeños y jóvenes estudiantes, a quienes, de la mano, los hacia participes y los sumergía en este fascinante mundo del arte. En el 2013 Niko tiene la oportunidad de ilustrar un libro infantil bilingüe “All I do is Win”, donde no solo el contenido atraía al cliente, sino la combinación de llamativos colores y personajes que un día visualizó en su mente para plasmarlo en papel y compartirlo con todos nosotros. Mientras continua dibujando y pintando en óleo, acrílico y lápiz, diferentes caricaturas, rostros, surrealismos y demás; Niko estudio Hebreo y culturas en Israel en el Kibutuzz Ulpan “Mishmar Ha’ Emeq”. Actualmente vive en USA,( Charlotte) con su titulo en Asociado en Artes y continua estudiando en La Universidad de UNCC su bachillerato en Sicologia del Arte. A jóvenes como a Niko, siempre les persigue una estrella. Su sencillez, sonrisa, humildad y el arduo trabajo de toda una vida han hecho que Niko brille y muestre su arte al público como una ventana hacia un Nuevo mundo, en donde la vida es una caricatura :)