Gregory Bada

Visual Art – San Diego

I began exploring printmaking just over 5 years ago after a life drawing instructor recognized my style as one that would translate well to the medium. Always interested in printmaking, I enrolled at Mesa College in San Diego, California under the instruction of well known printmaker and mixed media artist Jim Machacek. After one class I knew I had found my medium. My passion for art started at a young age. In fact I won a book mark making contest at age nine. The image was of a stage coach - being pulled by a cow. Despite my constant drawing, doodling and dabbling in art I eventually shelved it in search of a more 'stable career'. With a B.A. in economics from Long Beach State I was on a track for a career in education and ended up in hospitality management. I enjoyed success in a 'stable' 60 hour work week and finally I found my way back to my pencils and pens. The ideas and images started to flow and I dedicated myself to art full time. My intaglio prints lithographs are all done using centuries old techniques. I take no shortcuts. I begin with a clean zinc plate whereupon I etch an image and utilize other techniques such as acid and aquatint to add line and value which can sometimes take weeks. Ink is then applied to the etched plate and pulled though a hand cranked printing roller press onto special water soaked paper. Each series is completely unique and numbered for authenticity. Inspiration for my work comes from the many intaglio printmaking masters such as Francisco Goya, Kathe Kollwitz, James Whistler, and Otto Dix. The beauty of this monochromatic medium and labor intensive process allows me to delve into personal areas and feelings that otherwise would be overlooked by me. I live in San Diego with my fiancee, our 2 dogs and a 17 pound cat named Monster.