Stephanie Archambeault

Accessories – Orange County

I love all things crafts. I knit, crochet, embroider, sew (both fashion and quilting), some wood working, but I most make jewelry. I've been making little necklaces and bracelets since before I can really remember at Grandma's house. She would have a box filled with various plastic beads and shoe laces. Once in high school I started making more sophisticated stuff after reading several books on jewelry. Now I make and sell jewelry on Etsy mostly. I've lived in California for most of my life and recently moved back after spending 8 years in Washington. I love both areas with their rich history and cultures. I have a BA in Anthropology because of my love in history and human societies. When considering my next step in education I have considered looking at the craftmanship that goes into creating some of the more prized artifacts in museums like jewelry and clothing.