Laura Caputo

Performing Art – New York - Brooklyn

Dance has provided me with a new understanding; within myself and within the life I live. I live in the world of movement and ideas. Fighting with space and time, relating to people and emotion, and feeling the instruments behind instruments in music. Apocryphal ideas transforming into apodictic movements, with an imagination beyond curiosity. As my mind continues to expand upon ideas, I can’t seem to hold back my pen from drawing diagrams and arrows, with side notes and cross outs. It’s a creative world, and with anything in life, ideas come from influences. My entire being and existence is my passion to learn all I can, and to strive and achieve in dance. Dance was never just a hobby in my life; dance and movement became a lifestyle. Each individual I have studied with has given me new ideas and lessons to learn from. I owe everything I am today to each of those figures. I have dedicated my entire life to dance, and each day I take class, the intensity of my passion increases with this abstract art form. I not only dance with my body, but from the desire to move within my heart and soul.