tinka the label

Accessories – Melbourne

Tinka the Label is an independent, handcrafted jewellery label, which commenced operating in 2014 through e-market place, Etsy. I was just a little girl when I first strung a few beads on some thread, and even though looking at it now it may not have been a viable product, my passion behind creating this piece had already struck a love affair. I have grown with the beliefs that everything in life holds its own significance; whether it\'s colour, semi-precious stones or why we do what we do! Because of this, I like to incorporate my beliefs into my designs, carefully selecting materials that are symbolic and meaningful, as I create a story for each piece to have a statement of its own. For me, jewellery is the instrument used to state who I am as an individual. To honour this, I design to reflect the uniqueness of an individual.