Visual Art – Denver

I grew up as a skateboarder creating my own stencils and skate logos to decorate the bottom of my board or the ramps in my backyard. That passion for creation has grown and allowed me to refine an artistic voice and develop skills with spray paint. Tronos Paint is where I've applied this. The earlier work was created through a collaborative effort with one or two other artists. The idea came after two of us took on a large mural project on a snowboarding feature behind my house. From there we scaled it down to canvases which gave us much more wiggle room to play around with the spray paint medium. We were always about experimentation. Each project we would take on had some element to the process that was completely new to us. This was both inspiring when we fulfilled our original vision for the piece and frustrating when our trials at new methods would fail. After we had a couple dozen paintings under our belt we had refined our process to assure success. For example we quickly stopped hand-cutting stencils and moved to laser-cutting, which made it far easier to have multiple layers to an illustration. The point to the art has always been about tapping into that sensation we get when we create something we are proud of. We wanted to bring the subject matter of our sketchbooks to a completely new level using spray paint. To open new creative doors each time.