April Davis

Visual Art – Austin

I come from a family of artists and scientists, which I suppose is a somewhat odd combination, but I think it\'s a good one. I feel like it\'s given me a unique perspective on the things around me. I\'ve learned to see what is there and to turn it into something else by changing the order of things, or the way it is seen. I\'ve always done some sort of art my entire life. I\'ve never really stuck to one thing because I enjoy trying different techniques and mediums. I try to make art whenever possible using various medias and methods. I enjoy acrylic painting, photo manipulation, found metal sculpting and mixed media pieces and photography. What it all boils down to really is, \"I like arting!\" This time around I\'m showing my found metal sculptures. I rescue the metal from the scrap yard and keep all of the shapes as close to their original form as possible with minimal cutting and bending (if any at all). Creating the sculptures from the existing shapes is like putting together a puzzle. The metal is made shiny again through the use of various power tools, sanders and a lot of love.