
Visual Art – Sacramento

The creative urge courses through my veins, and I have no antidote for it other than to let it flow freely. I am certain that there is also some kind of Scandinavian-Gypsy spirit lodged genetically in my bones, which escorted me through an extremely varied and eclectic childhood that I’ve always appreciated. For example, when I was 10 we lived in a tract home in Walnut Creek for several months, a tent on a gold mine stake in the mountains for 2-3 months, a 14-bedroom mansion with a full size ballroom for 1-2 months, then finally “settled” for the school year in a quaint lumber mill house next to the small town roller-skating rink. A master at adaptability, by necessity, I developed independent creative thought processes. Many years our family had no TV (or other luxuries such as electricity and running water). I loved to draw, read and write, collect rocks, and invent things, because these were things I could do irrespective of my surroundings. Thus developed my passion-pluralism, as I came to explore a variety of expressive venues: sculpture, painting, drawing, glass, ceramics, photography, illustration, writing, dance, voice and even ukelele. I actually make my living as a graphic designer. I love life.