The Cameralla

Film – Melbourne

2009. The Cameralla is born in a small, inner-city Melbourne cave. One with stalactites. And stalagmites. And ….mar…mites. Or…uh… Shut up. There is no exact date and the midwife refuses to speak to authorities. She also refuses to speak to caterers and people with small hands, but that’s another story, and not necessarily one The Cameralla condone or fully understand. The Cameralla is Carl J. Sørheim, Julian V. Costanzo, David Gannon, Troy Larkin, Nathan Strauss, Charlie Mycroft and Nicholas Gunn. The Cameralla recognise the power and splendour of film, television and Interwebz as modern art forms, and strive to contribute radically to these mediums. The collective is tirelessly committed to exceptional quality of its productions and is utterly unsatisfied with mediocrity. You come at us with mediocrity, you better be prepared for some faces of unsatisfaction. Some… faces of unsatisf-… No, that’s not right. Faces of unsa…-? Shut up. Faces of shut up. Yeah, stick that in your face and smoke it. If life were a dead body, The Cameralla would be its giggling mortician.