Visual Art – Orange County

I never really know how to describe myself. After all self perception is based on how other view you. I do know that my soul is full of passion and love. And thats what I use to make my art. My name is Daniel Torres, I began painting many years ago. Not to gain fame or for the money, but because it was the one beautiful aspect of my life at the time. An escape from the struggle and the pain. I was known as Dantorious then. A silly nickname that made me sound a lot like a dinosaur. Eventually I became Dantor Or DNTR for short. I don\'t know exactly what will happen from this path I\'ve chosen. A lot of artist will tell you their long winding journeys. I do know that it\'s something I\'m good at and that I love. My goal is to send a message through my art. To share experiences. play with your imagination. And share something with my human race that is organic. I had a thought the other day. I\'ve painted everyday it seems for the past four years. These painting will be my legacy. They will carry not only my name but my spirit. That brings me joy.