Fashion – Boston

A little about me… I am East Indian descent by the way of Trinidad. I was born and raised in Boston, Mass. Growing up with the Indian culture at home and the American culture right outside my front door has been an interesting journey. When I was 15 years old, I would redesign clothing my parents bought for me by adding my personal flair to it. Needless to say I got heckled in school, but I did not care… that is and who I am. For the past 10 years, I have been self-educating myself to get my vision of fashion out and into the world. I design for full figure women and athletic built men primarily, and everyone else in-between. Fashion to me is a state of mind, a hunger in the soul, a revelation of what you feel. With my passion and vision for fashion, I will open your mind, feed that hunger and allow you to express yourself with “Devikar Styles”. “Clothing With A New Identity”