Dylan Butler

Visual Art – Connecticut

Click the little facebook logo above this to go to my ART page! ...................... From birth creativity has been the driving force in my life. I am an artist and a musician, just trying to spend my time on Earth the best way I know how: creating things that evoke deeper thought and emotion in people. I graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelor\'s degree in Fine Arts concentrated in Printmaking in May 2013. I realize that the work in this field will often be inconsistent, and at times a struggle to find. Would I rather work 50 hours a week in a cubicle with steady income? Hell no. Struggles make us strong, and art brushes away the dust that everyday life accumulates on our souls. There has never been another path for me. Life is not about the amount of possessions or money you collect; the media and society has tricked everyone into a materialistic way of life. This is a prison. I chose a different path because I see how temporary we really are. The answer is simple, do what you love because the time we have is short and there is no excuse for wasted time.