Emma Le Strange

Visual Art – Brisbane

My art aims to find refreshed provocation in the anatomical familiar often through abstract realism. In my previous work, emotion was explored through explicitly inclusive imagery prompting the viewer to search for the recognizable. The images varied from simple gestures, taken for granted, through to body movement not generally considered in everyday life. It is now my prerogative to move towards hyper realism as I continue to explore human movement and emotion. My artistic process starts with life model photography. From here, the images are digitally manipulated to create dramatic, monochromatic and highly contrasting representation. I then take these images and draw them using conte a paris crayons onto pastel-gesso primed paper or plywood. As I progress through my first year of being a professional artist, I have decided to chase the dream of becoming a creative polymath. I will be exploring the visual arts and craft, performance art, music composure, fashion design, fiber creation and art, and optical science. My art is a renewal of classical styles, coupled with the use of modern techniques that bring the art of drawing to the forefront.