
Photography – Portland

I am in search of a never ending adventure. This notion is something I feel that is attainable, sustainable, and increasingly vital to fulfilling not only my being, but all of those who allow wonder into their lives. The collective intentions behind my ongoing project \'trip\' are pure, and vast with high hopes of spreading the sense of adventure my mind creates when I capture these images, manipulate them, and ultimately present them to those who have a gaze. \'trip\' ***while the word trip may insinuate LSD for some, the title itself does not directly represent such. More so, \'trip\' attains its power from the idea that our presence/ our existence is, if nothing else, just one big \'trip\'. I firmly believe that all species, aliens, and hybrids alike can relate to this idea, and together, grow positively from it. embrace the wonder for it is there honor it & those who dare to care spread it for it\'s all of ours to share