Hogan Johnson

Photography – Portland

I am a graphic designer and photographer in love with using the camera to emphasize beauty in the everyday ordinary. I received an MA in Graphic Design from the London College of Communication (LCC) and have been an avid photographer since compiling my first-year project Quotidian, an exploration of perception through the medium of photography. Previously, I spent 7 years working for an advisory firm where I had the opportunity to work with diverse individuals and companies around the world. During this time, I witnessed the power of visual communication to engage, influence, and inspire -particularly when the economy was at best, shaky. Therefore, I moved to London where I learned from some of the most inspiring and talented educators, students, and professionals. For 31 years I have relied on the creative arts to propel me forward. Whether it was finding solace in a song, joy in a painting, or camaraderie in a film; I have always had a place to turn during my best moments and undoubtedly during my worst. It has been an honor to find my voice in photography and contribute to such an inspired and powerful community.