Visual Art – Seattle

I started out doodling. Since I was a kid, I have always been fascinated by shapes, colors, patterns and textiles. More so, I am a hopeless visual romantic and love to look at the ordinary and transform it into something more. Through my art, I want to visualize and share with others the colorful lens with which I see the world. Growing up in school, I would constantly decorate and fill every blank space of paper I had with a doodle. It started out as a hobby and soon turned into a way for me to express myself, almost a mental outpouring of everything I couldn't put into words. My state of mind completely affects what I draw. One of my favorite parts of my style is that because it is, in a sense, a coping mechanism with the world around me, I don't really plan what I'm going to draw. I let it flow out of me and fill the page. Most of the details you see in my art have been repeated a thousand times before but with different combinations, materials and colors. Through my work, I want you, the viewer, to get to know me, and through this, I want you to feel nostalgia as you realize getting to know someone through a drawing is as inexplicable as it is to get to know a person in real life. I hope that the pictures I draw begin to encapsulate the beauty of seeing one's identity through the heart rather than the mind. While I love to share my work with the world, in the end my art is for me, about me and inspired by me. It is the only venue where I feel alone and together, satisfied and hungry, complex and simple, all at the same time.