Visual Art – Orange County

The Geenie\'s Lamp Studio came about after a serious spiral into depression--as a way to heal both myself and by doing so, the world. My art is an expression of my inner child. The messages of hope incorporated into my work are tangible reminders of what has healed my soul. The phrases and images that inspired me to create, or came forth while creating, are very personal expressions of my truest self. I trust that these messages and images translate, in terms of healing and inspiration, to those who encounter my work. I am a self-taught multi-media artist, survivor, mother of ten, trailer restorer, poet, gardener, backyard farmer, member of the orthodox faith, and wife. There is no separation between my life and art. The subjects of my work arise organically, and the phrases in my art have helped me through some point in my journey. It is my hope that these works speak to others as they have quite literally saved my life. My blog tells my story and chronicles the ongoing journey with my creative process: