Jessica Lion

Visual Art – Phoenix

As an aspiring audio engineer, I spent two years in the beautiful city of Chicago during 2009 and 2010. I dabbled in the production aspect of the industry, yet, my main focuses were marketing as well as working closely with independent musicians/artists. My passions don\'t stop there, I have produced art since I was a small child and have continued to do so throughout my adult life. I\'m proud to say that I have never taken an art class, the basis of my creations are purely the result of my obsession to speak without using words. Not that I don\'t take full advantage of painting with words as well. I have written of everything and anything since the age of nine, and it wasn\'t until 2011 that I began to develop a fiction trilogy that incorporates all of the above. To sum everything up, \"I want to be the first to do it all, and I want to be the last to do it as great.\" -Jessica Lion